
Beginner Artist.

Hello! Welcome to my page.I am 26 years old (1997).
Cisgender female.
Bisexual: Strong preference for women and femmes.
Based in Japan.
Do NOT post my artwork anywhere online without my consent.
Do NOT post my artwork without crediting me.
Do NOT under ANY circumstances use my art in AI "art" theft.
Do NOT sell my artwork in any form.
Absolutely NO NFTs, ever.
All of my artwork is protected by copyright licensing.Human made artwork forever.

Social Media:

Artgram, Cara, and Ko-Fi.

Social Media "Reviews":

Artgram:Artgram has a permanent AI "art" theft ban which is a must for me. Aside from a few features, it's overall very simple and easy to use. I do hope the user interface and uploading process improves. I also hope they get an app soon. Overall, it's promising!Cara:I like Cara the most so far. Very simple and easy to use. Fantastic user interface, uploading content and comments are very easy. My only gripe is clicking on a comment "like" or reply does not jump you to that comment. You have to scroll through thousands of comments to find the one you're looking for, which is annoying.My biggest issue with Cara is their policies around AI "art" seem as if they're subject to change. Right now they're banning it across to the board but their terms & conditions indicate some hogwash about "nuance" and other crap I don't care about.Art is HUMAN only. Period. If Cara ever does allow AI "art" on their service, I'll delete my account. I like a lot so far so here's to hoping they just keep the AI "art" ban permanent.Ko-Fi:My Ko-Fi account is pretty bare, to be honest. I don't use it much since its premise is to help freelancers and small business owners sell their content/merchandise.My artwork sadly isn't good enough to sell but that's my dream, someday.If you ever feel like donating or leaving a tip, you can do so there. I don't have anything up for sale right now.

Terms and Conditions:


You may create fanart of my characters but please cite the characters as mine. Tag me so I can see the work!Do NOT under any circumstances draw my characters in any depictions of "proshipping."I do not support racism, sexism, abuse, neglect, gore, vore, anything non-consensual, transphobia, any form of homophobia or biphobia/panphobia, Islamaphobia, etc. I do not support incest and pedophilia. Do not AGE DOWN my adult aged characters and then draw them in sexual manners.If it involves hatred, discrimination, grotesque, and otherwise disturbing and/or illegal material: DON'T. I do not consent to you abusing my intellectual property, my fictional characters, and my artwork that way.


Same for fanart, please cite my characters as mine, tag my socials so I can see it! Again, no proshipping, no profiting off my work.White people: You do not under any circumstances get to tell People of Color what they can/can't do. You don't get to tell them who they can cosplay. If a Black woman wants to cosplay as any of my white characters (or any of my characters fro that matter), she damn well can and I would be delighted. If people who are Muslim want to cosplay and wear their headdresses while doing so, they absolutely can.I don't stand for racist, derogatory, and cruel nonsense. You will not abuse and gatekeep MY work. I would be delighted if anyone wanted to cosplay a character I made.I understand that I as an individual cannot control others nor do I have the power to stop people from being cruel. However, I do feel as a human being and as an artist it is my responsibility to explicitly state that I find that misbehavior deplorable.I don't think enough creators speak out against their own fan base for atrocious behavior, especially if they are becoming successful or have already become successful in some way. Therefore I want to make it clear that I don't accept it. Be kind to others.It costs absolutely nothing to be kind.


I do not support capitalism and colonialism. I am anti-gun, pro universal/free healthcare & education, affordable/accessible transportation. Equality & equity for all. Environment friendly infrastructure! Give us forest cities! Bring the trees and forests back, clean the oceans! I hope to support nature as much as possible.On that note, NO NFTs, either. Ever.

Art Services:

I am not currently offering any art services.I am not taking commissions or selling merchandise yet sadly. I hope to in the future once my art skills are better.